Monthly Archives: January 2012

The Thank you gift

I met a wonderful woman at a networking event. We spent some time chatting

and she mentioned she was looking for a job, we exchanged linked- In info and

went our own way. 

While I was  on Linked- In I noticed someone I knew was looking for an employee so

I linked them together for an interview. I am not sure if she got the job but to thank me she sent

me a care package of condoms. Lots and lots of condoms one box of every type I never heard of.

Color, flavored, ribbed and more. Condoms galore.Image

Donna opens the boxes when they come in at the office and I heard a scream and she

tossed the box to me as though I had ordered them on line and she accidentally opened it.

The friend I connected works at Ansell. Ansell makes several proudcts including Lifestyle Condoms.

Thank you for the 6 million condom as a thank you gift.  The girls in the office got a real kick out of it.

Everyone got to pick a box out to take home, some were sent to college and one box

was kept in the bottom drawer, just for fun.

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Bandanna fan

Ravens - Coke Zero Bandanna

How do you pick the team you root for?

If you are like my kids you inherent your love of  a team from a parent. You see their father is an owner of The Packers and wants to be buried at Lambeau field therefore the Children are now big Green Bay Packer fans. Yes we own a cheese head.

Other ways you become a Fan is by living in a city or state and become a fan oF the team that wins the most. I am sure there as many ways to be a become a fan as there are fans. As for me, I have a very special formula.  Here is an example . Ok Ravens vs Texas And I did not have a clear favorite but this was easy.

ANW Produces  the Raven bandanas that were passed out at the game . My formula I am a fan of the team that I produce merchandise for.

So sorry to my family on their loss.

The Pack was beaten by the Giants . Maybe we could do Packer Merch and it would bring them better luck too.

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