What the pandemic taught me about my business.

I sell promotional products also known as “Do we really need those things?” For 32 years I’ve been helping corporate clients find the item that turns them on and speaks to their customers. Some people call me the promotional psychic. Oh what a silly moniker

Now we are in the middle of a pandemic, Covid 19 wondering if there is going to be a Covid-20, 21 or more and my business grew.

What did I learn from that? When companies, people or clients really need something and your quality and price is right they buy it. So my job now is to find or curate a selection of promotional products that does the same thing as PPE did. Which ones are needed, wanted, can’t live without? If I can figure that out we will win again in the marketplace. ” Everyone has the same things” is what I hear but I want to shine a light on the items that are most important during a linear time and place.

Example: People are returning to work what items will assist in that action?

People are working from home what items will help the team mindset?

If you have ideas of what the most wanted item is in the next 6 months, let me know. It felt so good providing products that people not only wanted but also needed…..I want to always offer items that people need. The reasons can vary but it is that hunger you feel when you see a new lipstick color, you gotta have -that is what I want my customers to feel that hunger the ” I’ve got to have it.”

Covid-19 taught us many things this is just one simple notion I took away as my company survived and prospered for another year.


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