Tag Archives: Fans

Bandanna fan

Ravens - Coke Zero Bandanna

How do you pick the team you root for?

If you are like my kids you inherent your love of  a team from a parent. You see their father is an owner of The Packers and wants to be buried at Lambeau field therefore the Children are now big Green Bay Packer fans. Yes we own a cheese head.

Other ways you become a Fan is by living in a city or state and become a fan oF the team that wins the most. I am sure there as many ways to be a become a fan as there are fans. As for me, I have a very special formula.  Here is an example . Ok Ravens vs Texas And I did not have a clear favorite but this was easy.

ANW Produces  the Raven bandanas that were passed out at the game . My formula I am a fan of the team that I produce merchandise for.

So sorry to my family on their loss.

The Pack was beaten by the Giants . Maybe we could do Packer Merch and it would bring them better luck too.

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